384KW Unsubsidised rooftop installation completed for Moog Controls, Tewkesbury

Moog Solar Installation


Moog Industrial Group is a Global leader in Industrial Products, Solutions and Services. Their technology and innovations are present in aerospace, construction, defence, energy and many more markets around the World.

The new pupose built site with a footprint of 3,600 M2 in Tewkesbury was designed with energy efficiency in mind. The large south facing roof was designed to have a significant area free from roof lights to maximise the space available for solar panels.


Solar Voltaics analysed the site electrical loads taken from half hourly metering data to determine the best size of solar PV system for the site. Using specialist software, it’s possible to accurately calculate how much solar energy will be generated on site and how this would reduce the amount of energy being drawn from the grid.

The site is a busy 24/7 manufacturing plant, with significant design and support functions, so the electrical demand is high. Solar Voltaics presented several options of system size, costs and anticipated savings. The selected approach was to maximise the system size to obtain the greatest level of CO2 savings possible – a key target for the business.

Higher efficiency monocrystalline 310Wp Amerisolar panels were used to improve the ouput still further and a total of 1238 panels were used to produce a system size of 384KW. The North facing roof was also utilised due to its shallow pitch, which provides a significant boost to the overall output of the system.

Six X 60KW Solis inverters were used to convert the DC power to AC and Solar Voltaics managed the installation, commissioning and DNO connection approval of the installation.

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