Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance at Solar Voltaics
Our Quality System has been designed and certified as meeting the demanding requirements of the Microgeneration Certfication Scheme (MCS). This means you can rest assured that you are dealing with a reliable company, capable of delivering to the quality standards you expect.

As part of the Quality System requirements of the the MCS scheme we must ensure that we:
- Only purchase components and materials from approved suppliers
- Only use fully trained and qualified staff
- Perform rigorous in-process and final commissioning tests
- Have documented policies for Health & Safety and perform risk assessments
- Have corrective action systems in place

Solar Voltaics has full MCS Accreditation for installation of Solar PV Panels
- Certificate Number: NAP28784
- Insurance Provider: QBE Insurance
- Employers Liability £10,000,000
- Public Liability – £10,000,000
- Professional Indemnity £1,000,000
We are Trustmark Registered for Solar PV Panel Installation, Maintenance and Replacement
View the Trustmark code-of-conduct and the customer-charter
View our IA1 – TM Customer feedback and complaints procedure

Meet the Team
We prioritise your satisfaction without pushy sales tactics, upholding a code of conduct to ensure your solar PV system’s long-term performance. As renewable energy specialists, we’re here to assist you in a friendly and approachable manner.